Monday, June 09, 2008

Vine St.

I saw a ghost yesterday.

I saw her in a restaurant eating a sundae with her friends. I followed her to her normal haunts, I watched her laugh as she walked across the street. I listened to her weep over silly crushes and I saw her sitting on a window ledge, her feet dangling over the edge, reading a book. I wanted to scold her as she made rash decisions and carelessly disregard sunscreen. I followed her as she cut class and went to the beach and I watched her wait tables. I listened to her arrogance and naivety and spied on her as she snuck into Disney hotels to swim in their pools.

Yesterday, I met a girlfriend of mine at Celebration (weird Disney-owned town that's a wee bit like the Truman Show) so that the kids could play in the public sprinkler system they have. I did this in March when I was here, but took the toll road. This time I took the main highway that runs through St. Cloud and Kissimmee and was catapulted back 14 years. After I graduated from high school, I attended a small, Christian College that used to be located in Kissimmee. As I was pulled into my memories, I turned on Over the Rhine's "Eve" and just dove in. I had not traveled on that road for at least 10 years and it was surreal. I passed the old restaurant I used to wait tables at (now a Chinese restaurant) and the Friendly's (now with broken windows and weedy sidewalks) I used to go to to get sundaes with masses of friends. I passed Old Towne where groups of us used to go and walk around. I kept seeing my face and remembered thinking the thoughts of yore. I passed the Perkins I used to get coffee at and where I was (unsuccessfully) taught how to play chess. I remembered rebellious thoughts and Dottie Datsun and going to the beach. I remembered struggling over my waking adulthood and having a bank account closed by the bank because of ill use. I remembered slurpies and sunburns and road trips. I remembered meeting Missy and I frantically tried to call her to have her join me in my nostalgia. It almost felt like an out-of-body experience. I didn't really wake up until I pulled into Chik Fil-A to get lunch.

It's interesting thinking about the metamorphosis we go through as we age. I want to laugh at myself back then, drama queen that I was (yeah, yeah I know I'm still a drama queen). How many girls will I be before I die?


heather said...

I hope to one day be a woman. When does that happen? When do we stop feeling like a girl?

Trixie said...

Never - I am still waiting...

This post made me cry - I remember those days as if they were yesterday...oh wait...they were JUST yesterday.

Missy said...

Brittney Spears said it best...
"Not a girl, not yet a woman"

I wish I could have walked with you down memory lane. Though many decisions where stupid, it was still fun times and experiences that have shaped us into the almost women we are today.
Who knows...3 years from now when you come back to Bham you might think the same thing!

No more Friendly's? How can that be?

Anonymous said...

Personally, I don't ever want to grow up but I do so kicking and screaming. I remember being at Maja's last Wednesday and being jealous at all the kids in the pool. It's funny you should blog about this because I had a similar experience this past weekend. I usually do when I visit Dothan.

Yesterday, I was 16 years old and getting my lisense. Today I am married with 1.5 kids. What has happened to the last 12 years???

I miss you, friend. Sorry I keep saying that, but it's true.

Rachel said...

i don't know how many girls you'll be... but i know i can count how many you'll be and figure thats how many i'll be...tell me how it turns out...

Unknown said...

just found ur site while looking for some info on rts.

just wanted to say welcome to jackson and clinton.

Amy said...

Hey Kim! Sounds like you are having way too much fun on vacation.
I have done this same thing now that Keith and I are back living in our hometown. When we are out for a date, we sometimes drop into a hole in the wall place that we used to visit(underage and all). We still shake our heads and wonder why we did stupid stuff and are still alive. God has such a sense of humor.

Karen said...

I've really enjoyed reading your blog. I found you through another blog-- so you don't know me. Hope that doesn't creep you out. We lived in Birmingham and went to Samford Univ. I grew up in So. FL and also visited Orlando A LOT. I hope you enjoy your visit and traveling down memory lane. I'll be praying for your plane trip back!

- Karen

Woodman said...

Kim!! Sorry I havent stopped by to see you again!! I was confused about when you were going to Florida...talked to Kerri and found out you are there now! Anyway...Let me know when you get back and need some company!! I want Scott to meet Quinn!!! Hope you're having fun!!!

Crissy said...

I had a similar moment of being transported back in time. It was shattered when I caught a glimpse of myself in a store window... minivan and four kids in tow. Yikes.

Leslie said...

Fun post, Kim! Yeah, it's funny to think back to the people we once were. It's surreal! I feel like I'm in a constant state of metamorphosis, and maybe that's the way God intends it. I don't think He ever intends us to stay the same, but to keep progressing (hopefully, hehe) on to become more like Him.