Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Oh, Happy Day...

I'm so glad that spring is in the air. I feel myself emerging out of the deadness of winter. It's almost as if I hibernate. And woke up two weeks ago. The sunshine was lovely yesterday and today I'm heading to the zoo with my old friend, Naomi. We will have a picnic lunch and watch the monkeys in their craziness. Felix says "ooh, ooh, ah, ah, Mommy! ooh, ooh, ah, ah". Last night, I asked him what his favorite animal was at the zoo, and he said "um, the baby elephant". Everything is a baby these days. He loves to give "baby bear hugs". He's an affectionate little guy. Also, the elephant at our zoo has recently died. Sooooo, no elephants today.

Yesterday I took the big boys to the dentist and Silas has to have some big work done on Thursday. He needs to have a tooth pulled, the infected area dug (ouch) out, a smaller cavity filled next to the really bad tooth, and a spacer put in because it will be several years until the adult tooth comes in (it's a molar). Poor guy. I loathe to tell you that this was his first dentist trip (yep, almost 6 years old) and we probably could've caught the bad tooth last year. I felt major guilt, even as the dentist was trying to tell me I was not a bad parent (he must've seen the look on my face). I took for granted that Quinn and I have good teeth and was just SURE that nothing would be wrong. Corin was fine, except for an overbite issue that will cause a chism in our bank account in about four years.

No word on the house in Mississippi yet, and I'm going just a little bit nuts. CALL.


Brenda said...

I'm sad about the elephant. He always seemed so sad - playing with the watermelons...in that small area. I like the monkeys from afar - but close up - very smelly!! My favorite - the giraffes.

Hope you have a wonderful day - spring is arriving!!

love you, mom

Anonymous said...

Have fun! I had terrible teeth as a child, lots and lots of cavities, but when I lost all the baby teeth and the adult teeth came in, no more issues. I'll catch up with you later this week, I hope!

heather said...

Teeth I have to go Wednesday and have to small cavities filled. Teeth are so high maintenance. I mean brush and floss twice a day how annoying.

Woodman said...

I'm getting SO EXCITED about y'all being in Clinton!!! Hurry up and get here!!!!

Missy said...

That Elephant has been dead for a couple of years now I think.
I also think that next year they are opening the new part of the zoo that is going to be called the Serangeti and will have several African Elephants and other African animals.
I'll have to take my nieces when they get back...I'm sure they'll be totally impressed. Ha ha!

Sorry about Si Si. You are not a bad Mom bc your kid has bad teeth. Go get him a Frosty afterwards!

Rachel Garcia, CD(DONA) said...

i would be going nuts about the house too. Hopefully they will call soon.. just to know SOMETHING.

i dread taking Jorge to the dentist. Not so much for fear of what we will have to get done.. but how he will take it.

Peyton said...

the elephants were my favorite part of the zoo, its no zoo without the elephants. when the new elephants, from africa, get here, will they be considered "african-american elphants?"

Linda said...

Oh, I hate to hear about the teeth problems. The first time I went to the dentist (that I know about) I was older than Silas and had a mouth full of cavities. Bad teeth genes! Sorry :( One little boy in our church in GA asked me one time why I had blue teeth. It was all the metal fillings I had! I have since had to have most of them crowned. I still have one blue tooth :)

Linda said...

Oh, did you know that you will be living near the Jackson Zoo? I haven't been in years, but it will be fun to explore with y'all! There is also a neat Museum of Natural Science in Jackson, so I'm told. And an Agricultural Museum that has a lot of stuff to see and do.

MattD said...

So far we've been failry lucky in the teeth department. I never had a cavity until I was 30ish. I think it's the only one. So when Jake was 4 he had 2 and it freaked me out. I'm anal about the teeth.